Sunday, April 5, 2015

Still Alice (2015)

This is an amazing film; a real tour-de-force starring Julianne Moore as a linguistics professor with early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease.  It is a sobering look at a devastating process.  It shows how the disease affects the patient, but the illness impacts on the entire fabric of the family. If you are interested in the topic, this is a "must see."

In the genre of films dealing with illness, Still Alice in on a par with Wit, starring Emma Thompson.

From A.O.. Scotts, NY Times Review, December 2014.
“Still Alice is a movie that addresses a nightmarish circumstance with calm, compassionate sensitivity. Based on Lisa Genova’s novel and directed by Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland, it follows the deterioration of a Columbia linguistics professor who learns she has early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Alice Howland (Julianne Moore), along with her husband and three children, must endure a cruel and absurd ordeal that has no real chance of growing easier. With what seems like shocking rapidity — the film’s chronology is appropriately fuzzy — Alice slides from a witty, intelligent, capable adult into a fragile and confused shadow of her former self."  2015 101 minutes.

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